Less Materialism, More Fun Please

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Less Materialism, More Fun Please

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I’ve been a bit homesick. I love my time here, and am super blessed to be here, but I also miss my friends and family at home like crazy. And to add on to it,  I’ve been rather reckless with my belongings lately. I’m not sure what’s with this behavior, but I know it’s got to change.

First of all, I forgot my phone charger at home when I spent time in Moscow for the Fourth of July. This meant that my cellphone died and it made it rather difficult to communicate with our friends over the weekend.

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Secondly, I dropped my IPhone. Normally, this would be no big deal. Unfortunately, I broke the glass on the hard cobblestone of Park Pobedi (Victory Park) in Moscow. It’s still functioning, but the front camera can’t take photos as well, and it’s a rather aesthetically ugly item now.

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Is it worth it to fix you, or should I say bye for good?

Lastly, since bad things come in threes, I also lost my monthly bus pass today. It was nice to flash that card instead of scourging for change on public transport. But now that’s gone. Back to being a normal civilian.

But I jest. Looking back, these lost things mean nothing. Sure, I definitely need to be more mindful with things in my hand. However, I classify this as first-world problems. My troubles are small trifles, because these objects can be recharged, fixed and found (bought once more). I’ve got to get over that materialist mindset. Instead, I should spend more time just enjoying people and the settings. This is what I’m promising myself for the next five remaining weeks.

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Vorovei Gori, or Sparrow Mountains Sports Complex

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