Category: Trending

Ходим в театр!

Сделали домашнее здание в кафе “Неделька” с другом Ноланом. Потом пошли пешком в театр оперы и балета. Там мы с друзьями посмотрели “Лебединое озеро”. После окочания шоуа, некоторые из нас встретились с баллеринами на сцене! По сравнению с стоимостью билета на балет в США, в

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Большое алматинское озеро

Честно говоря, мне было особенно скучно в эту неделю, когда мы походили по музееям с гидом. Самая хорошая экскурсия в жизни – это без гида, так как у нас было маленький перерив от этого. Мы ездили загород, чтобы увидеть этот чудесное озеро. Просто замечательно в

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If only the photos could tell you all of it

I’m a bit sick, but at least this gives me the time to blog. Over the weekend, I got a really cool chance to visit Niznii Novogorod with a few friends. We stayed at this very cool artsy hostel called Fabrika on Rozhdenskaya Ulitsa, which

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Weekend trip to Suzdal

Suzdal is gorgeous, historical, cozy little town is located about 35km away from Vladimir. It’s about a half hour drive depending on what part of town you’re coming from. I thought Vladimir had lots of churches and places of worships, but Suzdal has definitely outnumbered

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Happy Day of Family, Love and Belief!

Today is the Peter and Fevronia’s Day, or also known as the Day of Family, Love and Belief (День семьи, любви и верности). One might mistake it for a Russian Valentine’s Day, but I believe that the holiday commemorates family relationships in addition to romantic

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Less Materialism, More Fun Please

I’ve been a bit homesick. I love my time here, and am super blessed to be here, but I also miss my friends and family at home like crazy. And to add on to it,  I’ve been rather reckless with my belongings lately. I’m not

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Free time? What Free Time?

I found myself with less and less time to blog than I would like. So I’m sacrificing details to keep things short. Hopefully, we can talk more in person. I’ve been posting a lot of photos of independent exploration, but I have to admit, I

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What a Naughty Dog!

We’ve all heard of the story of a dog eating a student’s homework. How about a dog eating a student’s shoes? At home, I usually wear tapochki, or house-shoes, as Russians call them. They’re usually a bit too big. Plus, Gira the puppy usually pulls

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Khinkali Rocking out, and Great Food

On Sunday, a couple of classmates and I tried the Georgian restaurant in town. The food was amazing and affordable. It was my first time trying a dish called khinkali, which is like a pelmini or dumpling with meat and soup inside. It’s delicious, and

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I Love Rain

We were supposed to have an excursion to a historical church today, but I think the weather got in the way. Bummer. It’s been raining quite a bit in Vladimir, and I love it. The summer rains are never too cold nor windy, although I have

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Ходим в театр!

Сделали домашнее здание в кафе “Неделька” с другом Ноланом. Потом пошли пешком в театр оперы и балета. Там мы с друзьями посмотрели “Лебединое озеро”. После окочания шоуа, некоторые из нас встретились с баллеринами на сцене! По сравнению с стоимостью билета на балет в США, в

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Большое алматинское озеро

Честно говоря, мне было особенно скучно в эту неделю, когда мы походили по музееям с гидом. Самая хорошая экскурсия в жизни – это без гида, так как у нас было маленький перерив от этого. Мы ездили загород, чтобы увидеть этот чудесное озеро. Просто замечательно в

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If only the photos could tell you all of it

I’m a bit sick, but at least this gives me the time to blog. Over the weekend, I got a really cool chance to visit Niznii Novogorod with a few friends. We stayed at this very cool artsy hostel called Fabrika on Rozhdenskaya Ulitsa, which

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Weekend trip to Suzdal

Suzdal is gorgeous, historical, cozy little town is located about 35km away from Vladimir. It’s about a half hour drive depending on what part of town you’re coming from. I thought Vladimir had lots of churches and places of worships, but Suzdal has definitely outnumbered

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Happy Day of Family, Love and Belief!

Today is the Peter and Fevronia’s Day, or also known as the Day of Family, Love and Belief (День семьи, любви и верности). One might mistake it for a Russian Valentine’s Day, but I believe that the holiday commemorates family relationships in addition to romantic

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Less Materialism, More Fun Please

I’ve been a bit homesick. I love my time here, and am super blessed to be here, but I also miss my friends and family at home like crazy. And to add on to it,  I’ve been rather reckless with my belongings lately. I’m not

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Free time? What Free Time?

I found myself with less and less time to blog than I would like. So I’m sacrificing details to keep things short. Hopefully, we can talk more in person. I’ve been posting a lot of photos of independent exploration, but I have to admit, I

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What a Naughty Dog!

We’ve all heard of the story of a dog eating a student’s homework. How about a dog eating a student’s shoes? At home, I usually wear tapochki, or house-shoes, as Russians call them. They’re usually a bit too big. Plus, Gira the puppy usually pulls

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Khinkali Rocking out, and Great Food

On Sunday, a couple of classmates and I tried the Georgian restaurant in town. The food was amazing and affordable. It was my first time trying a dish called khinkali, which is like a pelmini or dumpling with meat and soup inside. It’s delicious, and

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I Love Rain

We were supposed to have an excursion to a historical church today, but I think the weather got in the way. Bummer. It’s been raining quite a bit in Vladimir, and I love it. The summer rains are never too cold nor windy, although I have

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